client transformations


Linsay is a long term client of VB Fitness. She has been working with Veronica for over a year now and has made incredible changes both physically and mentally! Her goal was to build strength and lift heavy shit while implementing a form of training that would be conducive to the fitness level required for her future career. Since starting together, Linsay:

  • Has lost over 20lb

  • Is eating THOUSANDS of calories/day

  • Has built strength and muscle

  • Completely changed her body composition without give up the foods she loves

  • Is able to lose body fat while still eating a ton of food

  • Has increased energy and improved mood


Kathryn is another long term client of VB Fitness. When she came to Veronica she was under eating and really struggled with her relationship with food. After over a year of going all in on her commitment to growth and change both physically and mentally, Kathryn now:

  • Has built a much healthier relationship with food

  • Is able to attend events and socials stress free

  • Has gained muscle, lost body fat, and increased her metabolism

  • Built strength through consistency in her workouts

  • Knows she can reach her goals while still enjoying LIFE


Antonia began working with Veronica during an 8 week challenge. Her work ethic and strong commitment to making changes showed in the progress she made over 8 weeks - leading her to win the 8 week challenge! Veronica and Antonia continued working together afterwards and achieved amazing results over just 4 months. During this time, Antonia:

  • Was consistent every single week

  • Nailed her protocol and continued to push herself in her training

  • Fueled her body properly and trusted the process

  • Was able to confidently continue on her own while still pushing towards her goals


When Kaitlyn came to Veronica over a year ago, she was looking to build muscle and strength. Having an athletic background and solid foundation to begin with, Veronica knew she would thrive with an extra challenge. Over the past year, Kaitlyn has:

  • Gained a ton of muscle

  • Been consistent with her protocol and trusted the process

  • Has been able to attend multiple events and vacations with food freedom while still reaching her goals

  • Now eating a ton of food and feeling confident in her body


Karisa and Veronica started working together during an 8 week challenge. After completing the 8 weeks, Karisa decided to fully invest in herself and commit to making long term changes. Fast forward a year of working with Veronica and Karisa has now:

  • Lost 20lb and built lean muscle

  • Has significantly improved her relationship with food

  • Understands the importance of enjoying LIFE while still being able to reach her goals

  • Built consistency and patience on her fitness journey


Tori was one of Veronica’s very first clients. They worked together for several months and were able to see incredible changes with the amount of consistency, dedication and hard work Tori put in week after week. After their time working together, Tori was able to:

  • Completely change her body composition without giving up the foods she loves

  • Build strength and muscle through sticking with her protocol and pushing herself in the gym

  • Feel confident continuing crushing her goals on her own after working with Veronica


It starts with you!