Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions

  • If you’re able to hit the gym consistently 4-5 days a week, great! However, you can still make great progress working out 3 days a week. The program I create for you is customized to you and your schedule to set you up for long term success

  • Absolutely! For 1:1 coaching, I create your training program based on you, your goals and what equipment you have available

  • Yes, I do offer a limited amount of in person training! If this is something you’re interested in, please send me an email to

  • I am constantly learning to better serve my clients! Some of my current qualifications and certifications include:

    + Bachelor of Science in Nursing

    + Diagnostic Medical Sonography Diploma

    + ISSA Certified Personal Trainer

    + Certified Nutrition Coach (PN1)

    + Hormones and Metabolic Adaptations (Parts 1 & 2 - Jason Theobald

    + SIBO Course - Taylor Seibel

    + Adrenals 101 - Austin Stout

  • Once an application is filled out, I will reach out to you to book a coaching call. This allows us to chat more about you, your goals and what online coaching entails to ensure this is the best fit for you!

It starts with you!